That says it all.
Bados, Mintz, and Appley got to go for racing & practices last weekend down in Redding. It is warmer & sunnier there. I hate cold rain. I also love chasing the lure.
I did not do anything to deserve being left behind. She didn't want to take 2 dogs just to practice; she also wanted to have another dog to compete in case no one else was around on Sunday.
Well, I have NOT been DQ'd from LGRA yet. I admit that I have interfered with Bados (maybe a lot) but with others just sometimes & only a little. I could have run & might have run fair. As it turns out Appley did not run fair. In the 2nd program, Appley chased Gemma.
Apparently Gemma went into heat Monday. Appley has a good nose, I guess; maybe he should try "nose work". Actually all the boys were posturing more than usual. I am glad I have been spayed & don't have to put up with such crap.
To sum up the weekend: There were 7 Silkens Saturday, but only 2 on Sunday after Appley's DQ & Poppy turning up lame after the end of Saturday's races. Teddy won both days (of course). Bados managed 2nd both days; that was a surprise. Phoenix is very speedy.
Mintz, the big, goofy Greyhound, got to travel down for practice. He had a blast, but tore up some stuff in the van being frustrated at not competing. I would not have done that. Hrumph.
Sunday afternoon Mintz competed in a match race. The Scottish Deerhound had never lost a race & his owner thought this would be fun; J agreed, and so did the Saluki & Afghan owners. Each entered a hound. Yes, Greyhounds are the fastest breed, but Mintz WAS retired after JUST a year of racing. One of them could have been faster than this particular Greyhound. That was not the case. Basically Mintz smoked them from the gate and won convincingly despite a stumble near the finish. The Deerhound was maybe 10-20 ft back, then the Saluki, and the Afghan brought up the rear.
J is proud of Mintz but she also worries that having done this was a bad idea - in the big picture - because he is very sore & limping again. This is probably just from over exerting himself. I expect he'll be fine in a day or 2. He's just a bit of a woos once there is no sqauking lure in the area.
I am pissed at being left behind, but I guess I had fun staying home, too. Rob & I spent lots of time together. He took me on lots of errands. He also spoils me (I am his favorite).