Monday, August 22, 2016


I should probably post the link to the InPhenite Litters page.  Sigh.

Life IS a Bitch.

Wow.   Life is full of little surprises.  Opa! is pregnant.  

WTF! Are you kidding me?????  

This wasn't an accident; J hooked Opa! & Kamiah up on a not-so-blind date.  True: Kamiah is no slouch.  Not only was he a great lure courser in his own right (#4 Life Time breed Lure Courser), but his kids are good too.  He was Bados' dad and dad of Cartier & Rosie, who are great lure coursers & friends, but STILL.  Puppies are a big responsibility & a nuisance.
OMG Opa! was such a SLUT while in heat.  Yeah, J got the 2 on a date, but Opa! could have kept her tail between her legs . . . she could have bit Kam's nose off, but Nooooo . . . She flagged that tail around to any dog that came in sight.  

J is already distracted by Opa!'s waddling & being snippy with Conner's mindless leaping to & fro.  What will happen when there are cutesy little puppies squeaking & squawking?
She already decided not to take Conner & me to both a show & a lure cursing event due to fear of our bringing home some infection. Seriously?  Yippee about missing the show, but skipping an LC event?  How am I supposed to maintain my #1 Singles title if I don't get to compete?

Whatever . . . I am sure they will be cute (but irritating).  They are due in early September.   J is keeping one for sure, but help me out fans . . . don't let her be tempted to keep more.

I should probably post a link to InPhenite's puppy page.  (sigh)