Tuesday, September 21, 2021

SF2021 Final Day

Today was the last day of SF2021 with NOTRA, oval racing.  I haven't done this event in like 11yrs (because it is stupid ... it goes in a circle; I can tell you how to catch the bunny.  Easy.  Even easier than jumping the tape - you just cut behind the box to the finish.  Been there, done that.). Today Phyn jumped the tape to get a leg up on faster dogs ....I never thought he was that clever.  J was not impressed.

Anyway - shocker, not - lots of Allagante race wins.  Siena edged out her daughter Chyna for the NOTRA WIN.  This also gave Siena the Triathlon win (Coformation, Lure Coursing, & EITHER straight or oval racing); Chyna won Iron Hound (LC plus BOTH types of racing).

A nice plus for J was that The Possum WON Pentathlon!  Its a shocker because he's a bit of a dope; I couldn't believe he got qualifying scores in rally (even earned a Rally-O title that day).  He's also not SUPER fast - but his #1 conformation placement by the judge definitely helped. 

That's all folks.  SF2021 is DONE.  I am home, fed, and ready to jump onto the bed.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The End?

 Is this the end? 

Today ASFA was largely all about Allagante: Saucy in Open, Sienna in Vet, & Chyna in FCh plus BOB.

 Chyna (in FCh & won BoB). Honestly even with Hawk in Singles …. but neither Hawk & Buca we’re the only Silken Singlesh …. J deigned to enter me.  ME! Of course, she should have been doing this ALWAYS!  Bitch.  She hadn’t….. and maybe I didn’t run tons the last time she had - but I am ME; I am famous, veteran, & infamous..

Ok.  I didn’t run much.  Initially I didn’t think that was an option … but it WAS! (I’d hesitated & checked back - so unlike ME, but I got all green lights)  Run, CHASE, STALK!,  GAME ON!  (I admit, as I age, this technique rarely entertains anyone other than me)

Ok, fine.  Yeah, I give my human shit - but J gave me a RETIREMENT RUN (as she had promised in. 2020).  We are a team.  

But the bitch should have taken field shots 

SF2021Show Shit & Banquet plus LGRA

 Once again my typist sucks.  2 days of silence!  I don’t even know what to say at this point.  At least that will help keep this short.  

Bitch Day:  Most of Saturday was for the ladies, just as Friday had been just males. Then at the end of the day the Winner’s Bitch competes against yesterday’s Winners Dog as well as against hounds who are already Champions for Best of Breed.   Thank goodness Hillary Tregillus keeps posting catalog pics because there are tons of classes leading up to the finales. 

I didn’t win Best of Altereds.  Fine. Actually it was Chris Buhrdorf’s Apache; he’s a Firebird, like me, so that’s OK.

Tammy Mills’Truly won Best of Breed, which is pretty cool. She’s Possum’s 2nd cousin or something - same grandsire.  It’s all in the family.  

Oh, I should probably add that Opa! got an Award of Merit & that Possum was ranked #1 in the show judges ranking for the Olympic combined prizes: Iron Hound, Triathlon, & Pentathlon. In that ranking  Camper was maybe 5th, and Phyn 2nd to last (LOL).  J is pretty happy about the Possum.

Banquet?  How the fuck do I know?  I don’t get to go to that, but the humans seem to have had fun. I do know that she presented the Bados Trophy to Sienna (AGAIN!).  A box of gifts for helpers left with J, and then she returned with auction items she had won. 

LGRA Racing?  Briggs won over Chyna by a whisker.  Conner managed High Score Veteran - that was cool, and our friend Dorkis won Turtle.  Possum, Phyn, and Conner were like 9, 10, 11th?  10-12?  Something like that.  Camper was further down somewhere.

 I am both snarky & 12yo, so I don’t get to compete in LGRA. But I didn’t go home with Rob, Opa!, and Spec …. Hmm ….

Friday, September 17, 2021

At least she took some photos ….

 J continues to be a poor scribe, but at least she took pictures to share.  Later  I might post a couple show class victories by Possum & Spec (though neither got the nod for Winners’ Dog); these particular photos show my imprisonment.

for Winners’ Dog. Honestly, Opa! P, Conner,my& I got no more than requisite walks in the rain.

I am done for the day.  I expect someone else posted catalog photos with wins/placements added.

Rally, Obedience, Sweeps, & a rotten minion.

 I’ll start with minion.  J is a rotten minion.  I couldn’t get her to transcribe for me for 2 days & this will be short, too.  Sure, she is busy — she’s co-director of Silkenfest: she was in charge of getting & setting out all of the prizes & awards, but I have fans to keep informed & entertain!  It’s not like I can type on her I-Pad with paws.  And she didn’t leave her IPad in my crate for me to try.

Enough whining.  Results.  

Thank goodness Hillary Tregillus posted the results on Facebook (pics from the catalog with results filled in).  I can just refer you to that for Sweepstakes details.  She probably did this to make sure everyone knew that her D-Artagnan had won Best Veteran.  I’ve known him since he was a puppy; so that was cool.

Having won my age group, I lost Best Opposite Sex to Tootsie.  It’s easy to lose to Tootsie.  Most bitches usually do.  I can cope with that.

Spec is an annoying puppy to live with, but he won Best Male Puppy in Sweeps.  I don’t know how; he wouldn’t stop wiggling when J tried to stack him.  No wonder he lost to Zoe for Best Puppy in Sweeps; she behaved herself & has cute face markings.  

Enough about the Sweeps,  Rally & Obedience didn’t have any results posted, I don’t think.  I didn’t get all the details, but I think Baku won Best in Rally overall & my buddy, Khan (Opa’s twin brother) won Best in Obedience and Best Combined Rally & Obedience.  

J fucked up Conner’s attempt at Rally - she completely botched a sign.  Loser.  He was doing so well, too. At least she got her act together & did it right for Camper & Possum.  They managed qualifying scores.  That earned Possum a URO1 Title to add to his registered name.  And Camper: Camper WON his class.  That’s a shocker as J just started training him for this a few months back  & didn’t  have much class time.  Honestly, the human was on the verge of tears.

That’s all for now.  Joy lousy typist can’t even figure out how to add pics from her iPad.  She’ll work on that today.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Well, today fucking sucked.  

It started promising with J. going back & forth to the van; this usually means an excursion will be happening soon.  Actually I know an excursion is happening soon: SILKENFEST! (it's been ages since this has happened).  J has been planning & working on this for months & months.  It's hard to believe that this is actually about to happen.  That van is STUFFED by the way.  This was also promising ... the more the van is stuffed, the more likely it is that more dogs (i.e. ME) will be going on the trip - not just the irritating youths who ALWAYS get to go running.

Anyway, back to my tale of woe.  Again, the day started well.  J even let me hang out in the van with her while she organized some things.  A little private time with TLC is always nice.  Who new things would turn sour ....?

Soon another van arrived .... confusing, but not too concerning as J. often travels with others ....
BUT NO!  There was a TUB & grooming table, brushes, clippers, and a DREMELl!  Even a hair dryer for dogs sake! 
Oh, the horror .... a torture chamber on wheels.

Obviously a serious bath was in store.  
Had I known I was going to have to bathe today in any event, I would have rolled on the rodent one of the others killed & brought into the house yesterday.
(J won't let me attach the photo.  The baby; it was a clean kill - no blood).

Well, now I am bathed & look like a shiny puff ball.  And this wasn't just me - ALL the Silkens got bathed & fluffed.  Even little Spec, who at 9 months old, doesn't have much fur to fluff.
Looks like we will all be heading for SILKENFEST soon.