I know it is too early to start blogging for Silkenfest 2015 in FL, but J's mom is in town, & she REALLY wants me to blog about our activities. I'm not sure why I'm caving in to pressure from a human - and not even the human that prepares my meals - but Gramma Genia (GG) does sneak me treats off her plate. I guess that deserves a bit of deference. Don't get too excited; I've only agreed to one blog.
GG came on the last day of July. The next day she & J hosted a party. They spent all day cooking & were too careful in the kitchen for me to do any taste testing. That sucked, but lots of people wanted to pet me when they came, & a few let me taste their dinners (when they were not paying attention.)
One of her partners also brought their dog, Sammy. Sammy was definitely not a Sighthound; he's not really anything specific - a "Melange", shall we say. Anyway, he made a good bunny. Sometimes J thought Mintz or I got carried away, but Sammy never even squealed or anything. He was a good sport.
That 1st weekend J & GG took us to a dog show in Chehalis. I won't go into details because I know J posted on some lists. You know that some idiot judge placed Appley 1st over me in one Altered show; she kept going on & on about how amazing he looked for 9yo. Well, yeah; but this was not the veteran's class. Grumph. She gave him AL BIS for that show.
After that J entered him in the Veteran's class, too. That's not right. That gives him 2 chances to win BOB, etc in each show. Until they have a SmartAss class, I can only enter 1 class & have 1 chance. Fine. Be that way.
In summary, all BIS winners went into Best of the Weekend. Appley won BOTH Best of the Weekend Altered & Veterans! Whatever.
I had beat Appley in all 3 of the other Silken Altered Ch classes BTW.
This weekend that new group, SWEPT, hosted LGRA racing at Allagante. J took me, Opa!, and the 2 Greyhound puppies (Wicka & Wye - who is co-owned by J & is visiting). Each of us got 2 run twice on both days. I tell J that she should enter me, but she won't. She's afraid I would get snarky with someone trying to pass. Whatever. It's just trash talking; I've never bitten anyone. Plus - no one might be able to pass me; so no problem, if you ask me. People usually ask her why I am not entered when they see me practice. What can I say . . . I look good. Gramma Genia was very impressed.
Wicka & Wye are both lure crazy fools, and Wicka is already running out of the boxes at 8.5 mo old. She's faster than me, but I corner MUCH better when we play.
Opa! ran. That's amazing. The little curly girly has been acting like a fragile diva for the past month & has not been interested in running. "Opalopa" was OpaDopa. She thought she was pregnant. I told her this was NOT possible - despite Appley's attentions. No way. Her first run got hesitant at the end, but she 'killed' the lure at the end. Not as much style as me - but it's a start. All of her other runs were even more focused. She even ran the last one through an open box without troubles.
I hope this means all her DRAMA is past. Tell me humans: Is this OpaDopa shit going to happen EVERY time she goes through a heat cycle? Geez, I hope not. I don't think I can stand the foolishness.
That's all folks. Wye is being picked up by her co-owners tomorrow, & GG leaves for Tennessee on Tuesday. Life returns to our usual routine . . . I don't think there are more events for AGES. Sigh.