Thursday, September 6, 2012

Late Post, Iron Hound

I apologize to all my fans.
The delay in posting is a combined fault by both J & myself.  Of course, mostly, J's fault.
We got home late Sunday - (actually earlier than I expected) - and then J had to get to work early on Monday and take Luka to the vet after work.  She was too tired to transcribe for me; perhaps I need to hire a secretary.  J pretends to be my publicist, but she doesn't really do a very good job; and she didn't have the camera out once this past weekend.

Oh, well.  I confess to not doing much to encourage J to video or to type out my blog for me.  I have not been feeling my best.  Bados gave me the plague.  OK, not the plague, but I have not felt well this week until yesterday or today.
At least I never got as sick as Bados was.  Bados got sick en route to California for the Iron Hound competition.  He started having watery and ultimately blood-tinged watery diarrhea in I-Van driving to Mt Shasta last thursday.  Yuk.  That did not smell good.  Even though he does not walk while pooping, it managed to soil several pillows & was all over his tail & leg fringe.  Disgusting.  I had to curl up in a corner far away from him.  He was so miserable.
Things seemed to slow down after we got to Mt Shasta (where we stay with Max, Bert, & their people), but he was definitely still not well.  Friday morning J took him to a vet in Mt Shasta.  They couldn't find a certain source, but they gave him SQ fluids because he was so dehydrated & started metronidazole, a dewormer (just in case), and something for nausea.  No more runs, but his poop was not 100% normal for a few days.
Of course, as soon as his poop improved, I started to feel bad & crampy.  I am proud to say I never lost control & was able to get J's attention for a walk when needed.  I was not as bad off as he had been, thank Dog!

On Saturday, Bados straight raced OK.  For better or worse, J included me in the racing.  I could not contain myself.  He & I were in the 1st race together.  I had a great start, but when he passed me I felt compelled to interfere.  What can I say . . .  the spirit moves me.  J was pissed & scratched me even though no one called a foul.  She thought it was pretty obvious; I thought I was subtle.  Oh, well.
Bados came in 4th.  Not bad for him with tough competition.  I think he even beat his dad - but that was a fluke of the wave & small field, I think.  They did not actually run against each other.

On Sunday, J did not enter me for Oval racing.  Fine.  But - honestly - that game is the easiest!  I KNOW where the lure is going.  It is so easy to get there 1st since the other dogs follow it around while  I can just run across!  She did let me practice.  The 1st time a 'teased' her & ran around after a short stalk.  That was fun, but by the 2nd practice, I was beginning to feel a bit iffy and tried to lure the operator into letting me catch it early or with out running.  This did not work.  J tried to catch me and I just kept inching ahead toward the lure as she came up behind me.  The lure operator would move the lure ahead as soon as I moved forward, so I managed to LURE J to trot all around the oval.  TeeHee.
Oh, Garis won, and Bados came in 3rd - which is very good for him in Oval racing.

On Monday, Bados was feeling mostly back to normal.  He came in 2nd by 1 point to Yuu-Ga in Open.  Garis won Field Ch.  I was really not feeling well (that GI stuff.  Thanks, BadAss) and could not motivate very well.  I stalked a little, but was just not into it.  J scratched me from the finals.

I wish I could tell you who won the Iron Hound, but I am not sure.  There is debate over whether the "top" Iron Hound placement for the day should be the dog with the highest score for prelim & finals - or the dog who WON the Best of Breed.  Depending on that ruling, the title could go to either Yuu-Ga (1st in Straight, 2nd in Oval, 1st in LC Open) or to Garis (1st in Oval, 2nd in Straight, 1st in FCh AND BoB).  Yuu-Ga had a higher score after the Prelim & Final - but for him to win the LC day in terms of the Iron Hound doesn't quite seem right after Garis beat him for BoB.  I am curious to see who won the title - but I am not sure what I will think of the decision.  Sigh.  There is much less drama if one just runs in Singles as I do.

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