Monday, May 28, 2012

ASFA II Day 2, continued

Well, after a few muffled barks & face kisses, I managed to wake J up this morning to finish typing.  She wants more sleep, but the sun is shining through the sunlight and I am persistent.

Although the wind picked up in the afternoon, it was never as windy as Saturday which made things more pleasant.  Bados had lots of fun coursing while I remained stuck in the car.  He finished NBQ (5th) which is pretty good for such a big event.  Don't tell him I said that, though.  I like to tease him that he might lose those balls if he doesn't start winning.
Barb's Mini did not have a good day.  After her brother decided the prelims were a good time to play, she had had enough for the day.  Mini saw the field vet (yes, they had a vet at the field who specialized in canine sports medicine - how cool is that!).  He felt she was sore along her back & did some therapeutic laser treatments right there.  She was feeling better in the afternoon, but the competition was over.

Anyway, I know Karen S. posted some results, I'll just congratulate Bados' dad on his win.  That is super.
I also got to watch some of the Best in II runs from the sidelines.  They were all beautiful runs even if lacking in creativity.  A Saluki won the weekend.
No exhibition run for me, but some of my fans recognized me.  I pretended not to care.

It seemed to take forever for the awards to be given & for us to hit the road back to Denver.  Mini & Gilbert (with Barb Franklin) joined us for the rest of the trip.  Barb as lots of luggage!  Well, a lot of it is stuff for the SF silent auction, but it did take some rearranging of Ivan's storage area.

Last night we againstayed to stay with J's friend, her family, and dogs.  Maude (their young Border Collie-Rottweiller mix) was still a bit on the enthusiastic side, which made Bados, Mini, & Gilbert a bit tense.  Once we got in the back yard & could run around, all was well.  I FINALLY got to run around a bit.  Lots of zoomies!  A bit later Maude got a bit pushy with Mini, who did not want to play anymore. Maude did not back off when Mini got testy and air-snapped a couple times so I just walked between them to break it up.   That gave both a second to regroup.  All was well again.

Next stop Kansas!

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