Wednesday, May 17, 2017

SF2017 ends

Well, fans.  
What can I say?  
There have been no posts about Monday's LGRA or Tuesday's NOTRA.  This is J's fault, of course.  My goal is to post daily while on our Silkenfest journeys, but sometimes I am at the mercy of J's whims (or desire for sleep).  

Whatever,  I don't get to run in these games; so the news is not that interesting anyway.  Opa! gets to run LGRA, but I don't know why .... shoot .... in the 1st program, she stopped shortly before the end to poop, then cantered across the finish.  Well, I guess she wasn't off course.  The most shocking thing is that she didn't win the Turtle Award; somehow she managed enough enthusiasm to pass a veteran in the 3rd program.

Conner gets to race in both events even though he is not terribly speedy (I am faster - no question).  He was middle of the pack in LGRA, but a touch better in NOTRA, finishing in 6th place, I think.  

No big surprise: Sienna won LGRA.  Small surprise: she did not win NOTRA; I guess she was beat after both the ASFA & LGRA wins.  Another of our PNW gang, Pagani, won -- she's pretty speedy, so I guess it's no surprise that she might win.

Although Sienna did not win NOTRA, she still won the Hollywood Iron Hound Prize (top finishes in ASFA, NOTRA, LGRA) & Hollywood Triathlete (Conformation, ASFA, & either LGRA/NOTRA).  

There was also a Hollywood Pentathlete Prize for Conformation & ASFA plus 3 events out of Rally, Obedience, LGRA, or NOTRA.  Shockingly, Conner competed for this & competed well.  In the end, he came in 2nd place to Khan, Opa!'s brother.  That was pretty cool ... it's all in the family (sort of).

After prizes were awarded, we hit the road & drove north.  Tomorrow we'll get home.  I guess that means my work here is done ... until the next big event anyway.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Fun Stuff

Sorry for not posting yesterday .... Sunday was lure coursing (my favorite) - but this did not start until 3PM.  We didn't finish until dusk; so the humans went straight to dinner & then to bed as soon as we gt back to the hotel.  The next morning we had to be up early for the racing which was at the most distant location PLUS had Monday LA traffic.  I have no good excuse for J's not blogging last night except that she was a bitch & refused to take my dictation.

Since we have to check out this morning & head for the NOTRA field, here is the short summary.
Sienna wins.  The speedy girl won both the LGRA & ASFA events.  What else is new, right?

In ASFA Singles (my event), Wyeth won like last year, and I came in 3rd.  My finals scores were good, but the judges hadn't given me credit where credit was due on the 1st run.  Stalking gets no respect; however, I did win the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Prize for my creativity.

Conner blew it by making a bad turn - the last one right before the end of the final.  The FCH Stakes was deep with good runners, so that error pushed him fully out of the ribbons.

Opa! got confused by another dog stopping early in her run and stopped.  She decided it wasn't worth trying at all in the finals.  Honestly, the girl has no backbone on the field.

I have decided not to give any info on LGRA (other than Sienna's win).  J won't enter me in racing.  So what if I sometimes snap at dogs when they pass me; being passed is irritating.

I am sure someone will post results at some point.  Maybe I'll say more in my next bio, but probably not.  Today is NOTRA, & J won't enter me in that either.  Bitch.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Beauty Pageant

Sorry for the LONG delay in my Saturday post, but the National Specialty show went LONG.  Their Banquet start was delayed about an hour, J had to drive straight there, and then she declined to be my typist when we finally got back to the hotel (her bed was calling; she's weak that way).  The beauty pageant had had lots of entries, & the judge took her time to carefully evaluate everyone.  She was even patient with puppies having panic attacks their 1st time in the ring -- far more patient than I would have been.  OMG -- Possum's brother was NOT a Happy Camper in the ring.

I'm no good as a reporter of the results -- you'll have to refer to others for that.  At some point the humans will manage to publish the catalog with all the placements, but I will summarize family & a few friends.  Although Appley is nearly 12yo, J showed in Altered -- hoping for that elusive ISWS ALCh title that Conner & I have.  Unfortunately, Rio the Wonder Dog - who drove with us to the Silkenfest in Kalamazoo & WON Best in Show - was also there in search of that title ... which Rio now has.  Appley did manage Altered Reserve Winner's Dog - which is pretty good for an old guy who could barely get up the energy to trot around the ring on a hot day.  Rio not only won AL Winners' Dog, but he also beat Conner for Altered Best of Breed.  Congrats, Rio!

Possum improved on his 4th place effort in the Sweepstakes to earn a 2nd place in 6-9 month Dog.  Not awesome, Possum; but not bad either.  His sister, Tiki!, failed to repeat her stellar job from yesterday.  I think she was 3rd in her class.  Nadia, who is now at Allagante from Serenity kennel, won Best Puppy.

Opa! did pretty good for her by earning 4th place in a large, competitive Open Bitch class.  That may not sound great, but her curls distort her top line & the 'stripe' on her front leg angles forward, to give the illusion that she is 'posting' when she is stacked.  Perhaps she assumes it's a losing battle, & this is why she shows no enthusiasm in the ring -- she really doesn't.  On the more positive side, our pal, D'Artagnan, won Winner's Dog (intact) to earn his ISWS CH.  That's pretty cool.

And me?  Well, although I won Best Altered last year, J decided to enter me in Veteran's this time around.  Yikes - that means I am 7yo.  How time flies!
Let's just say I came in 2nd to Best of Breed ... OK, not exactly (but sort of).  Storm (from Elessar)  won our Veteran Bitch class; I was second.  She went on to win both Best Veteran & Best of Breed.  As no other dog beat me, I think it's fair to say I came in 2nd to Best of Breed - even if I was not eligible for Award of Merit or anything.  I think I liked winning Best Altered better than being 2nd to BOB ... we may have to 'discuss' how she enters me next year.

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Competition Begins: Bring it on!

Today was the 1st day of competition @ SF2017.  The day began with Rally & Obedience & ended with the Puppy & Veteran's Sweepstakes.  I competed in the 1st & last events.  A long Day. (Long seems to be a theme for this SF).

My experience with Rally is limited (only one prior weekend of competition) BUT one thing I know is that the experienced R3 competitors start the competition which then ends with us newbies.  Well ... not today.   Thank goodness we arrived relatively early; because as J puttered about setting up, someone told us that they were starting with R1.  Chop chop!! Conner was up 2nd & me 4th.  There was no time for a walk n' poop.  Our friend Wesley was 1st in the ring & completely flaked; he usually does  nice job - but he could not eke out a qualifying score today.  Next up, Conner was seriously distracted ... not surprising as the boy is a touch tightly wound ... then you rush him to the ring (an outdoors ring, which is new to us PNW rain dogs).  I felt bad for him, & J looked pathetic begging him to pay attention to her as the dopey Sighthound kept gazing about the field outside the ring.  She almost gave up, but persevered, and he finally began to follow her instructions.

I was having none of this nonsense.  Sorry, but we were supposed to go in LAST, not FIRST.   In protest, I decided to do a "Non-Sit In".  No sitting.  Period.  And I declined to show any interest.  OK, I did sit once or twice -- under pressure, but not without begging.

This judge must have been understood we were under unusual pressure because she gave BOTH Conner & I qualifying scores.  Our friend Danni won the High Score RO1A class, Conner 2nd, & me 3rd place.  Each of us had had 2 prior qualifying scores in competition, so this meant that we all 3 earned our 1st Rally titles.  In addition to our 'qualifying score' & placement ribbons, there were special rosettes for us for earning new titles at SF2017.

In the Veteran Sweepstakes, there was stiff competition for Appley in 10+, and he was suffering in the heat.  No love for Apples.  I had stiff competition in 7+ Bitches as well, but I did better & earned a 3rd place rosette for the day.  Our friends Dior & Yassou won Best Veteran & Best Opposite Sex Veteran in Sweeps.

The Puppy Sweepstakes also took place.  This was interesting as 3 of Pa's puppies competed.  Possum behaved himself & earned a 4th place medallion; Camper wasn't at his best & didn't earn a placement, but his housemate Manny won the age group.  Another of his housemates, Tux, won Best puppy in Sweeps.  Guess who was Best Opposite sex puppy?  Tiki! (InPhenite Ticked Pink), Possum & Camper's sister.

That's it for today.  J had better figure out how to add the Rally title to my formal name ...

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Boring.  Honestly ... that's all I have to say.  Boring.
I think J was busy taking Rob to a biking trail head then back to help set up at the Rally/Sweeps site, then back to get Rob, & grocery shopping .... but for me  other dogs .... boring.
They may have the Sprinter tricked out so that the van is insulated & has fans to keep things cool, but it's still boring ....
That is all.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Today was ALL about DRIVING.
Boring ... boring ... boring ... & tedious.  We didn't even get to go on a hike with Gus & Bert before leaving - just a yard romp. 

The only excitement was watching to see if Tiki! would pee on leash.  Not so far.  I expect J will try again before bed ... which will be soon, I hope.  Sigh.

We did make it to the SF2017 host hotel.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll have more to report.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Journey Begins

Today was a LONG day, and it started off on a sour note: Baths.  

Baths for all 6 Silkens - Appley, Conner & I plus Opa! & her 2 puppies, Possum & Tiki!, who is joining us for the ride.

I wasn't expecting the BATH for a few more days ... it is only Tuesday.  Admittedly, J does not like to bathe me the day of or right before a show because I look like a puff ball, but Tuesday seemed way too early for me.  I mean, seriously, what are the odds Appley  won't find some shit to roll in before Saturday?  Literally.  I'd plan to find a dead worm for rolling - just out of spite - except that then I'd have to endure another bath. 

Once all of us were dry, and the Sprinter packed, it was time to hit the road.   Our friends Bert & Gus live in Mt Shasta with their humans.  It's always a good place to stop because we can do zoomies in the yard.

I expect we'll be up early in the morning for more driving .... In an ideal world we'll take a hike 1st with Bert & Gus, but I won't get my hopes up.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Hello, fans.   

Silkenfest is again approaching.  Apparently that means I must blog ... it's been a while .... LOL.  Since I generally only post for Silkenfest, it's been roughly a year, but I also posted a bit after Opa! had puppies.  Thank goodness, except for the Possum, the persistent tail biters have moved on to new homes.  Cute, but way too energetic & mouthy.  Possum is OK, I guess.  He will be joining us on our trip to SF2017 ... hmm ... and so will Tiki!?  InPhenite Winsome Tickled Pink is another of Opa!'s puppies; J co-owns her with Iola Stetson.  I think she'll be a good traveling companion ... she can't possibly whine & yip as much as Possum; he can be very irritating in the car or Sprinter.

Since winning Best Altered in Show @ SF2016, I earned the remaining points needed for my ISWS ALCh title.  That was cool.  I have also continued to compete in Singles Lure Coursing -- as my fans know, I have been the top Silken in ASFA Singles for MANY years now ... I have lost count.  

More recently J has been taking Conner & I to Rally sessions.  Sometimes this is fun, sometimes boring ... it can move a bit slow and sometimes they ask us to do silly things .... sit, come front - owner one step back ... take one step front & sit again .. then 2 steps & sit ... then 3 steps & sit.  Seriously??? Why?  That's lots of moving & sitting for no good reason.  

Whatever.  We competed for the 1st time this weekend.  At the 1st competition I earned qualifying scores & came in 4th (Conner got 2nd).  Then they wanted me to compete AGAIN at this boring sport, AGAIN on the same day.  Yeah, right.  I declined to sit.  Period.  I wouldn't even look at her; why should I ... I earned a ribbon, & then, J wanted me to do it all again?  For a ribbon & stuffed pig?  Not likely.
In compromise, I agreed to compete again the next day: 3rd.  Conner earned the blue ribbon (goody 2-paws).  I could win, but it's more fun to keep her guessing.  
Apparently this Rally will be an event at SF2017.  With our 2 recent successes, Conner & I are both poised to earn titles at Silkenfest .... maybe I'll cooperate with J's ambition.

I think we may leave tomorrow for Silkenfest.  Sprinter packing has been going on for 2 days & now Tiki! has joined the pack for the drive (down from Winsome in WA).  I promise to keep my fans posted of any excitement along the way!