Friday, June 1, 2012

A busy day, but not for me

Once again a busy day on our agenda . . . for Bados.   It was the usual boring day for me.

It started OK.  J took Bados & I for a long walk.  We got to see some squirrels & birds.  J kept us leashed, but they are longish leashes, and she would run with us so that we could chase them a little.  There were frogs, too.  At least, J says that is what was making that croaking sound.  We went to the side of the pond, but it had disappeared.

When we got back to the room, Bados was forced to take a bath.  HAH!  It serves him right as he has been having all the fun on this trip.  Then he ran around the hotel rooms (through the connecting door to Mini & Gilbert's room with Barb) shaking the water from his coat & leaving wet paw prints on the beds.  J had actually toweled him off pretty well, but it was till amusing.

Later I thought we were going on another walk then but J locked me alone in the Sprinter! It wasn't hot, & she did open the vents; but REALLY, that sucked!  She said I couldn't stay in the hotel room because the maid service was coming.  What were she & Bados doing?  They went to a handling class to prepare for the show tomorrow.  Geez, I am going to be in the companion class.  Doesn't that get any credit?

J came back for me about an hour later; but I drug my feet as she tried to rush me to the other side of the hotel.  Why should I make it easier for her?  She did sneak me into the very end of the handling class, but I could tell this was just to appease me.

After lunch there was a more advanced handling class.  She let me join her & Bados while they watched it, but they did not participate (they had another event on their agenda before it would finish).  Cindy Wolpin was sitting near us holding someone's pup who is just over 1 yr.  J kept going on about how cute she is.  Then the nervous ninny whirled around & bumped into me.  I'd had enough & air-snapped at her.  J was pissed; she took me back to the room & left me there (cleaning service had been completed).  Perhaps I had also snarled slightly.  I promise that I did not make any contact.  I may be grumpy this week, but I am not mean & blood thirsty.

J took Bados for some health testing sponsored by ISWS.  He says they drew blood to check his thyroid, listened to his heart, and looked into his eyes.  This confuses me.  Our vet listens to our hearts & draws blood from time to time;  & he can obviously see well since he courses nicely.  I think this is for some registry or something.  I guess I don't rate.  That's OK - I do not want my blood drawn.

Bados came back to the room after this while J took her video camera to some seminars.  She came back before going to dinner to take us for a walk, but it had started raining HARD; so this was not much fun.
I hope things get more interesting tomorrow; I admit to feeling a bit bored & testy.

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