Thursday, June 20, 2013

I'm back

We have arrived in Portland.  I am so stiff from sitting in the silly Ivan all day, for days.
After entering Oregon, as we approached Oregon, it began to rain.  That DAMN heavy drizzle - which seems much heavier in a car going over 70 mph.
Luckily once we arrived at Allagante to drop off Cartier, Nike, Halle, and OHSO (the puppy Karen got from Francie) the rain stopped.
Appley was OHSO (teehee) happy to see me when we got home.  Mintz was his usual enthusiastic, but annoyingly huge Greyhound self.  I hope J does not decide to get another Greyhound.

J works this weekend, but next weekend we hope to make it to the Washington Classic.  The BIGGEST WA UKC show.

I am going to stop blogging for now, but will report any significant Silken news that comes up.  Leave me to judge.

Oh, once J gets iphone photos loaded, I may post notices - but we'll see if any photos are flattering.  Phone pics can be pretty bad.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Missed day & more driving

I must apologize to my fans for missing a day of blogging before the Silkenfest Tour is fully complete.  Last night there was NO phone service for J's WiFi Hotspot using her iPhone.  Big Springs, KS is in the middle of nowhere. She could not even make a phone call to check on Rob, Appley, & Mintz back in Portland.
Of course, I bet she could have paid for WiFi through the hotel.  It was probably the nicest Motel 6 ever.  The rooms were huge; there was lots of room for jumping off & on the beds.  There was also plenty of grass to sniff & utilize for pees/poops.  J could have gone to an attached restaurant for a Margarita or taken a dip in the indoor pool, but she was tired.

Today we drove to Twin Fall, ID.  This Motel 6 is not as nice.  The room is much smaller; there is less grass, no pool, no restaurant.  There is a hole in the siding near the lobby.  Plus it is oddly cold outside; isn't it late June?

Home tomorrow!  Yeah.  I miss Appley & Rob.  I probably miss Mintz, too, but don't tell the Jolly Grey Giant that I said that.

Monday, June 17, 2013

SF Racing

Well today was straight racing at Silkenfest.
Blah, blah, blah.  Not so exciting for me; I rarely get to race.  People get upset if I snap at another dog - just saying "back off; that lure is MINE".  Whatever.  It's not like I've bitten anyone.  Oh, well.  I entertained myself by breaking out of the enclosure J set up.  Twice.

For the races,  I think there were like 23 dogs there.  Oberon won, of course, then Alex, Sergei, Hunter, and Halle rounded out the top 5.  Halle was also BOS.  She's a speedster.  Bados was 6th; with roll down points he finished his LGRA Championship.  He's so proud of himself.  Aspen was Best Veteran; Dasher was "Valiant Effort".  His people got a giant stuffed turtle & turtle slippers.  Yes, they look like turtles.

A fun surprise for me came when Czar's dad, Mike Leach, announced performance awards for the last year.  Yeah, Bados got his #2 ASFA LC spot; but I was TOP Silken Singles courser.  J whines about the judges not giving me qualifying scores half the time (or maybe more), but how can it be so bad if I still topped the charts.  When I am good, I must be very good.  Teehee.

After the racing was done, the driving began.  I thought they'd never stop.  We are somewhere in Missouri and exhausted.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some Silkenfest results

Well, now there is so much to write about I can't remember all that I wanted to comment on!

I guess I'll start with the Specialty show since that is what most people are interested in.  Unfortunately J neglected to write in her catalog so I can only report the BISS & BOS.  Sasha (Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor) won BOS.  Our pal & traveling companion, Rio (Allagante Mystic Topaz) moved up out of Veteran's class to win BISS.
Of course, then the judge had to judge him again in Companion.  Maybe the judge feared getting serious backlash (having put up an Altered Dog) if he were to like me even more than Rio, because he didn't even look at me.  (I was the only other Companion entry).  Anyway, Rio won Best Companion, too.  Damn it; I know I can beat him sometimes (that would have rocked!), but I am conflicted because it is too cool that an Altered won SF - maybe I'll do that someday after I'm a Veteran.  He really is a Wonderdog.

Writing 1st with the specialty was slightly 'bass ackwards' because the UKC Silken classes actually started 1st and conflicted with Best in Group.  That was why I missed much of the specialty show.  I had beat Rio for Altered BoB (different judges, different opinions) and had to race back inside for the Group while the Specialty show was starting.  I won UKC Best Altered in Group (again) and then had to run back for SF which was in the furthest ring away.  At the end of the day I ran back to the UKC show again for Altered BiS.  Unfortunately, I find the show collar really itchy & wanted to scratch my neck when the judge asked J to take me around.  She would not let me; so I decided to roll.  That's really the best way to scratch.  J scooped me back on my feet, and we finished the trot around.  But the judge was not impressed.  No BiS for me.

Also in the Saturday UKC show, the results were similar to Friday with a few differences.
For the girls, WindNSatin Bells V Legend won Puppy (not Dina who had won friday), WindNSatin Notorious won Junior, and Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor again won Adult and went onto win best Female.
For the boys: WindNSatin Fairy Legend won Puppy; Legend NHigh Cotton V WindNSatin won Junior, WindNSatin Aint Misbehavin won Intermediate, and Kristull Jaromir won Adult.  WinNSatin Aint Misbehavin, who had been friday's Reserve, won Best Male & went onto win Best of Winners.
Kristull Twyla won Best of Champions.  Gryffyn's Aeyrie Empire won Best GrCh & BoB.

Today was Lure Coursing, my favorite.  J asked Iola to video my runs & set up the camera, but they were moving along quickly; and Iola FORGOT to video my 2nd run.  Grrr; it was the better of the 2.  I doubt J will have enough to make a movie for my fans.  In addition, the judges lacked adequate imagination to appreciate my style.  They did not give me qualifying scores (FINE!), and I was the only single.  No winner.  : (  The judges did select me for the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" Award - but I know it's just a little thing J sponsors.

For Open, Halle won; followed by Tootsie, then Nike, then Zephyr in 4th.  NBQ was either Orchid or Oberon.  They were tied, & one forfeited, but I am not sure which.

For FCh, Bados, my BadAss housemate, won; then Aspen; then Hunter; then Sergei in 4th & Vixen as NBQ.

Rio the Wonderdog won Veteran over Czar then Sasha and then Dash in 4th.

BOB?  Halle.  It was a great run by all 3, but she ran truest & had good stamina.

I feel compelled that all the winners are riding in Ivan the InPhenite Van with me.  Maybe Ivan is magic, but maybe not: I did not get qualifying scores.

Tomorrow is racing, but I don't think J will let me run.  Damn it!

  (this photo is from last year, not today - but it seems appropriate)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Silkenfest - report delayed

Busy, busy day and no time for my report.  There is SO MUCH exciting news . . . about my doing a tuck & roll in the show ring, and Rio proving that he is truly THE Wonderdog.  Unfortunately you will have to wait until tomorrow night.  J is too pooped and must wake up early.  Sorry.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Silkenfest & the UKC Premier

Today was the 1st day of Silkenfest & day 2 (I think) of the UKC Premier.  Last night was the "Top 10" invitational.  Tootsie (who lives in the Pacific Northwest up in WA) was in it, but she was very tired and did not show well.
Handsome Pasha won.  He's pretty hot.  If I weren't spayed . . .  Sigh.  (On the bright side, I never have to miss an event because I go into heat.)

Last night we did not get in until 9:30; then it took forever for J, Karen, & Lydia to get Ivan unpacked.  It was probably midnight by the time they turned out the lights.  This morning J woke us up before 7AM!  Ugh.  That is before 4AM at home in Oregon!!!  Even though we did nothing at all for 3 days in the car, I am exhausted.  Plus my GI tract is not back to 100%, but I feel much better than last week.

In the UKC shows, there were lots of Silkens.
Rebel aka WindNSatin Fairy Legend won Puppy Male  (and went on to BEST Male)
Cotton aka Legend N'High Cotton v WindNSatin won Junior Male
while WindNSatin Aint Misbehavin won Intermediate Male.
WindNSatin sure had a good day.

For bitches, Dina aka Cool Run Winsome Blondine (who now lives in WA with Tootsie) won best puppy; and my pal, Maggie, aka Elessars Sugar Magnolia, won Junior Female.  Sasha aka Kristull Arcadia by Tangaloor won adult female.  Dina went on to win Best Female as well as Best of Winners.

Next came the Champion class . . .  who won best???  My good friend, Patty aka Winsome Peppermint Patty.  I am so happy for her.  It is hard to remember she had a bad injury as a puppy.  Iola took such good care of her.  This win was SUPER; and it gets even better.

Ajax aka Gryffyn's Walkin' to Memphis won Grand Champion, but Patty won BoB AND later won Sighthound Group 1.  Strong work, Girlfriend.

I took Best Altered Champion (defeating Rio the WonderDog - does that mean I am Gita the WonderBitch as well as Agent Gita SuperSpy and SmartAss Bitch?  Am I wonderfullest?  I think so.
Then I went on to win Altered BoB - OK, Rio & I were the only 2 Silken Altered, but there were other Altereds competing in many other breeds.  I also won Sighthound Group 1st,
I was too pooped to pop by the time it came for BIS.  That was a tough class.  For my efforts I got 2 pretty rosettes, a fancy Premier medallion, a spray bottle, and Pukka's Promise - another book by the man that wrote Merle's Door, a book that made J cry.

I apologize for completely missing the results of the Sweepstakes.  This overlapped the UKC BiS competition; I was distracted.  I also apologize if I made any errors on the results reporting.  J collected that info; it would be her fault.

I am tired.  Goodnight.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

To Kalamazoo

Today was the final long driving day.  I'm too tired to write much.

We got up early to drive a few hours to Des Moines where Venus met her new family.  We met them at a La Quinta.  They had driven down from their Arabian farm to collect her & stayed the night there.  I think it was a good omen when we parked next to a camper in the parking lot &, after phoning to let them know we had arrived, they were waiting in this/their camper.  Venus was very nervous but was warming up to them before we left.

From then on it was LOTS of time in the car.  Less than the days before, but it seemed like forever.  I was in a stacked crate.  I think this gives me wobbly legs when it's time to get out; maybe it vibrates a bit more.

Honestly, I can't think of anything else to say.  We got here too late to check things out at the Baymont (the main hotel); I think most people are staying there, but J was feeling cheap & picked the Travelodge.  

Anyway, all the activities begins tomorrow.  We will start with UKC shows and then Silkenfest sweepstakes are in the afternoon.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To Lincoln

This morning J admitted to me that this was going to be the longest leg of our journey - Ivan's GPS  (aka Ivanetta) said almost 14 1/2 hours!!!  True, J usually cuts an hour off our drive down to CA, but we are traveling with another person & more dogs.  This includes Venus who is very nervous & won't pee.  That means we have to stop more & give her opportunities.  Sigh.

Anyway, we had to drive across Wyoming.  Last year we decided to rename the state Windoming because the high winds do a good job pushing you all over the highway, but it was not as bad this year.

The main problem was all the road work which kept cutting traffic down to one lane.  SLOW.  OK, not really SLOW, but certainly slower than the 75 mph speed limit.

It took us 14 hours.  Happily Rio & Lydia, who are joining us in Lincoln, already had the hotel room so we just had to move in.  Unfortunately, there was not enough bed space to make every happy.
There had better be more in Kalamazoo, and it had better not take 14 hours to get there.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To Ogden

Today the journey began.

J got home around 7:30 from work, fed us, and started throwing a few last things in Ivan the InPhenite Van.  Mintz looked sad, but Appley looked devastated as Bados & I got to load up.  He always looks that way when we leave without him, but he hates when we arrive anywhere and he has to be social.

Anyway, things headed downhill before we ever made it to Allagante.  The tire pressure warning light came on although J had just got brand new tires 2 weeks ago.  She stopped at a Les Schwab (chain where she bought the tires) to have this checked - expecting a quick adjustment of inflation - this seemed to take way too long.  Good news:Bad news.  The tire pressures are correct, but they can't figure out what is wrong with the tire pressure monitor.  Their equipment to assess this was not working.  Well, I guess that is better news than a problem with the tires, but it did cause almost an hour delay getting started & now - even though 200 miles later the warning light mysteriously went off - we don't know if it is working again.  Grr.

The rest of the day was just long & boring.  At least Venus stopped whining fairly quickly.  Sigh.
Tomorrow: Lincoln, NE

Monday, June 10, 2013


Tomorrow we leave for Kalamazoo.
Today  J finished packing our stuff in Ivan.  She thinks the luggage is fitting well despite having to add the metal crates they just learned would be needed for the show arena; she usually uses x-pens or soft crates.  Of course, I can unzip a soft crate if she does not tack the zipper shut with something, but I wouldn't have bothered at a show (boring).  At lure coursing or racing an escape can be worthwhile, but not at a show.  Maybe I'll try to get out of the metal crate, though; just to see if I can.

Before leaving for work this afternoon, J also made us take baths.  Bitch.  Plus she cut our toe nails and drew blood on Bados.  He yelped & would not put his foot down (not much of a BadAss now, is he?).  Afterwards being damp somehow inspired both of us to race about the house and rub against furniture.  With all this running & leaping, Bados toenail started bleeding again; he left a trail of blood through the kitchen & into the living room before J caught him.

As soon as J gets off work tomorrow she will come home, load us into Ivan, and head to Allagante to pick up Karen.  We've been told to expect 11-12 hours of driving for 3 days.  Hopes.  I may go stir crazy.  Last year we got to stop some places with yards (not to mention stopping for the ASFA II) but this year it is nonstop & all hotels.  I hope I manage to find something interesting to write about on those long driving days.


Tomorrow we leave for Kalamazoo.
Today  J finished packing our stuff in Ivan.  She thinks the luggage is fitting well despite having to add the metal crates they just learned would be needed for the show arena; she usually uses x-pens or soft crates.  Of course, I can unzip a soft crate if she does not tack the zipper shut with something, but I wouldn't have bothered at a show (boring).  At lure coursing or racing an escape can be worthwhile, but not at a show.  Maybe I'll try to get out of the metal crate, though; just to see if I can.

Before leaving for work this afternoon, J also made us take baths.  Bitch.  Plus she cut our toe nails and drew blood on Bados.  He yelped & would not put his foot down (not much of a BadAss now, is he?).  Afterwards being damp somehow inspired both of us to race about the house and rub against furniture.  With all this running & leaping, Bados toenail started bleeding again; he left a trail of blood through the kitchen & into the living room before J caught him.

As soon as J gets off work tomorrow she will come home, load us into Ivan, and head to Allagante to pick up Karen.  We've been told to expect 11-12 hours of driving for 3 days.  Hopes.  I may go stir crazy.  Last year we got to stop some places with yards (not to mention stopping for the ASFA II) but this year it is nonstop & all hotels.  I hope I manage to find something interesting to write about on those long driving days.


Tomorrow we leave for Kalamazoo.
Today  J finished packing our stuff in Ivan.  She thinks the luggage is fitting well despite having to add the metal crates they just learned would be needed for the show arena; she usually uses x-pens or soft crates.  Of course, I can unzip a soft crate if she does not tack the zipper shut with something, but I wouldn't have bothered at a show (boring).  At lure coursing or racing an escape can be worthwhile, but not at a show.  Maybe I'll try to get out of the metal crate, though; just to see if I can.

Before leaving for work this afternoon, J also made us take baths.  Bitch.  Plus she cut our toe nails and drew blood on Bados.  He yelped & would not put his foot down (not much of a BadAss now, is he?).  Afterwards being damp somehow inspired both of us to race about the house and rub against furniture.  With all this running & leaping, Bados toenail started bleeding again; he left a trail of blood through the kitchen & into the living room before J caught him.

As soon as J gets off work tomorrow she will come home, load us into Ivan, and head to Allagante to pick up Karen.  We've been told to expect 11-12 hours of driving for 3 days.  Hopes.  I may go stir crazy.  Last year we got to stop some places with yards (not to mention stopping for the ASFA II) but this year it is nonstop & all hotels.  I hope I manage to find something interesting to write about on those long driving days.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


What's wrong with kisses?
J tells me some humans have issues with this.  Whatever.  People kiss each other, right? It's a sign of affection . . .  plus it can be tasty if the person happens to be sweaty.
Kissing can also be a game; I can make J or Rob squeal if I get my tongue inside their mouths.  It's worth a grin to try at least. : )

J's Dad (Papa John) is a little bit of a germ-a-phobe.  He won't let his wife take a sip out of his glass.  This is pretty silly - assuming that they kiss (as spouses usually do); they already share oral germs.  On the positive side, he is good with their Wire-haired Pointers.  Papa John and his wife are both dog lovers, but I am not certain the dogs get kisses.  I doubt he'd like if I snuck in a french kiss - but I do think he'd laugh once the shock wore off.   I guess being 100% acceptance of dog kisses does not seem to be a requirement for being a good pup-parent, but the person can't be bitter if it 'happens'.

Mintz (our household Greyhound) is a huge licker, but a discreet kisser.  Licking & kissing are not exactly the same.  He loves to lick sweaty legs.  These are BIG, sloppy, persistent licks.  But when he kisses a person, it is a light tongue tap of the person's nose - occasionally this kiss might get the lips, but it is not a french kiss.  Neither J nor Rob shriek if this happens; usually they smile.

Bados is not a big kisser of people, but he does sort of kiss us dogs.  He nibbles at our cheeks.  I think it's a bit odd.

Tomorrow J needs to finish packing before going to work overnight.  In theory we are leaving as soon as she gets off work Tuesday morning.  Then we start 3 LONG days of driving.
I'll let you know if anything interesting happens.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Let the Games begin!

Hello, Fans.
I must apologize for the long hiatus.  Not much happens in rainy Oregon over the winter, and once I had stopped blogging it was hard to get started again.  Luckily, I have good motivation.  For example,

(1) Today is my BIRTHDAY!  I am 4 years young.  My face has gotten very grey, but that doesn't mean anything.  Happy Birthday to my Starlit Flight Litter siblings.  I got to go play at Allagante & chase the lure; plus I got some lamb with dinner.

(2) We leave soon for SILKENFEST.  Yeah!  Today J & Karen worked on packing Ivan the InPhenite Van with all sorts of supplies.  Crates, cushions, racing gear, coursing gear, folding chairs, x-pens, dog food, human snacks, show 'stuff'.  The list goes on & on but the humans have not even included their luggage yet - although there is a designated area for this in the "pod".

I will try to post everyday on the trip, but I do not promise it.  I rely on J for typing, and she has been known to refuse after a long driving day.  We'll see; I can be pretty convincing.

Last weekend would have been a good time to start posting.  We coursed down at Cottage Grove.  For those who do not know me:  I know that this is plastic bags on a string.  I've coursed a rabbit (wow!). That's not the same game, but this can be fun, too.  I just play it my way.  Sometimes you can figure out where the lure will be pulled if you study the field; then I can lie in wait!  J enters me in singles because she is afraid I'll confuse the competition . . . OK, or push them out of my way.
If I am confusing you, just search for my Agent Gita videos on youtube.

Anyway, the judges do not always understand, but I have a following.  I heard some people say they had to come watch me when it was my turn & got a round of applause after my 2nd run on Sunday.  These judges were insightful and gave me qualifying scores on both runs both days.  Since the only other singles either did not run or only ran once, I won the Singles Stakes on Saturday & Sunday; but for me that is not the point.

Bados (my housemate) ran in FCh Stakes.  He won that stakes both days (and says I should not admit he was the only entrant on Sunday).  But he flaked for Best of Breed.  It's hard to win BoB when you take a huge short cut.  He's torn between coursing 'properly' and following my lead.

Anyway, that's it for now.  Until tomorrow . . .