Monday, May 12, 2014

Gita rising . . .

Hello, fans.
I apologize for my extended hiatus.  True - I never blogged much between our annual trips to Silkenfest . . . but with the big party being planned so close by, I had hoped to get an early start & rev up the enthusiasm.  This did not happen, but it's not too late to start.

I have been in a bit of a funk this year.  I did not like the last 6 months of 2013 & 2014 has only been slightly better.

First, J brought home that annoying, little bitch late last summer.  Opa!.  What kind of goofy name is that?  . . . with an exclamation point & all?  That's as bad as dotting your i's with a heart.  She was just 8 weeks old and everyone thought she was so cute, especially Mintz.  Ugh.  You should have seen that huge Greyhound following her around, playing tug-o-war with her & letting her win, etc.  What a dope.  Opa! is almost 1 yo now, but she is too thin IMHO and has all kinds of dippy-do curls.  I bet she puts rollers in her tail after I go to bed at night . . .

The last bit of 2013 was overshadowed by what happened to Bados, of course, but I don't want to write about that.

Now there is ANOTHER puppy.  Even worse, this one is a GREYHOUND.  Who ever heard of getting a Greyhound puppy?  Aren't they supposed to be retired like Mintz?  Well, this one was almost as tall as me before she even arrived.  She's a monster.  She has a puppy brain in a grown-up size body (grown-up size for a Silken anyway).  At least Opa! gets the brunt of her energy, but there is spill over.  Mintz even gets annoyed by her (more than he did with Opa!).

OK, enough of the bad stuff.  2014 is going to take a turn for the better.  I can feel it.
This weekend got the 2nd quarter of 2014 off to a good start.  J took me lure coursing.  This is my forte - even if judges tend to disagree.  I say that but this weekend they actually gave me good scores - not just "qualifying" scores.  I brought home some ribbons.  Whatever . . .  J is very happy.

J is less happy that Opa! was not able to certify for LC.  The judges thought she was coursing her by-dog, Sand.  Really, she was just keeping an eye on him (he's imposing) - but I wasn't going to correct them on this.  J let her run a practice run on her own; I admit she looked pretty good.

I guess that's enough for today.  How often should I write?  Previously I have blogged while driving cross country - but this year it's just a 2 hour drive.  (I'll miss the Grand Carpool).  I doubt there is enough daily stuff to blab about.
Twice a week?  Then daily for SF itself?  I'll tell J to post my plans & if they change.


  1. I just LOVE the way you write, Gita. I think three times a week is great less than 2. Since our events is a little over two weeks away, I think you are JUST the one who can build even more enthusiasm that we already have. Thank you.

  2. Thanks you, Loyal Fan, for the input. :)
