I must apologize to all my fans for not posting last night. Sunday was SO busy, and J was tense all day (because of the presentation about Bados) - just to complicate things.
J generally does not enter me at races but just lets me do practice sprints. From time to time I get a tad annoyed if someone tries to pass me & let them know this. I don't bite anyone - (cooties, ick) - but I might growl & air snap. OK, once upon a time, I did body slam Cayman during a lure course - but there was no biting involved, & he did a good job ignoring me.
Anyway - there was some miscommunication about people wanting more entries and, when J offered to enter me, she was told that another person would scratch all her dogs if I were entered - also miscommunication. People have been a bit sleep deprived in the PNW leading up to SF, I guess, because this created a domino effect of tears, and then hugs & apologies once all the confusion was sorted out. Oh, the DRAMA. Sometimes humans just need to 'get a grip'.
In the end, I was not entered - which is the norm. I still got to practice, as did Opa!, the Greyhound puppy, Wye (co-owned by J), and a bunch of other Silkens.
For those who do not know: Logan won, Teddie was 2nd, and Pagani was 3rd.
Our vet, Sherri, came up for the day - actually she had been there on show day, too. Bados & I have convinced her that Silkens are pretty cool. She had been planning to come up for the banquet where Bados will be honored & decided to come for both the show & racing as well. She wanted to stay for lure coursing, but had to work today (damn, jobs). J was happy that she came.
While Sherri was here, Appley had an acupuncture treatment; it helped him relax & helped with some trigger points.
That evening, J left us in the room while they went to the banquet - you may wonder how I know some of these details . . . I have my ways.
One of the first announcements was about the BadAss Trophy. I think J did a pretty good job on that; she actually shed fewer tears than I expected during the presentation. It's a combo award for top lure courser that is also an ISWS CH (or UKC ALCh). Amusingly, Bados won for this past year - even though he died in October. J thinks that's awkward, but what can you do? He really was both a pretty boy & a BadAss lure courser.
Other awards for the past year were announced. I got Top Singles in Lure Coursing again, of course. Apparently Bados had earned an LCM 2 before he died; J had had no idea. Not surprisingly this got more tears from her.
I should probably wrap up todays events as well. This was Lure Coursing day. Yeah. That's my favorite. J ran both Opa! & I in Singles (I always run in Singles . . . no one else quite does what I do). Opa! rocked on the prelims (150pts & tied for 1st). I did my usual thing, the coursing/stalking combo - it's fun to lay in wait for approaching prey. LOL.
The finals surprised everyone - Opa! was feeling just too tired & overwhelmed by all the excitement. Her brother, Smoky, was here competing, too. It was all too much. Opa! stopped part way through, but she did keep her eyes on the lure the whole time; then she ran back & attacked once it approached the finish. I think she'll do fine next time. Her 1st run was SO good, she still managed to earn 3rd place; not bad.
Aaron, the lure operator, kept the lure pretty close to me & I never found a good spot to stalk. Damn it, if he didn't manage to get me to run the whole way. Touché, human! We'll see what happens next time we compete. vbg. Oh, I got 2nd place. Echo won (he's one of Claire's puppies that still lives with her & Barb).
Cartier won the whole shebang. She & her sister, Rosie are zippy little things.
Tomorrow is Oval racing. I don't do that. It's stupid to race in a circle - I mean, we all KNOW exactly where it's going, right?